Thursday, September 10, 2009

Convert Numbers with 2 decimal places in GridView Field

If you are using template field in GridView
Text='<%# Bind("Project_cost", "{0:N}") %>'
in itemTemplate of that field
it will automatically convert your number field with 2 decimal places

If you are using boundField and wants to doing same

in that boundField it will automatically convert your number field with 2 decimal places

Keep visiting for more Information

Best of luck

Convert Numbers with 2 decimal places in gridview Template field


if you are using template field in gridview and wants to convert number field in decimal places(2 and more places) just use Text='<%# Bind("Project_cost", "{0:N}") %>' in itemTemplate field.
It will convert your field values with 2 decimal places
like : your number is -44
after converting - 44.00

Same thing if you want to do with bound field use DataFormatString="{0:N}" in the required field

Keep visiting for more Information
Best of luck

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Usage of doPostBack in a real environment

input type="text" name="t1" id="Tx1" onserverchange="Text1_ServerChange" runat="server" onblur="enablePostBack();"

input type="text" name="t2" id="Tx2" runat="server"

//script for postbacking
script language="javascript"
function enablePostBack()
//T1 is the first argument(name of our control) I mentioned earlier and give the
// value of second argument as "" that's all

//c# functon

protected void Text1_ServerChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
Tx2.Value = (Int16.Parse(Tx1.Value) * 45).ToString();

How to create runtime click event on runtime button in

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


tb = new TextBox();

btn = new Button();



btn.Text = "Save";

btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_click);//generating Event


protected void btn_click(object sender, EventArgs e)


tb.Text = "hello";


Calling Web services Through JavaScript/html

//this is your web method
public string HelloWorld() {
return "Hello World";

//Now use this html code to call web method use head tag for javascript

function InitializeService()

Myservice.useService("http://localhost:4765/WebServices/Service.asmx?wsdl", "MyMethod");
//you can use anything in the place of MyMethod
function tst(){
Myservice. MyMethod.callService("HelloWorld");
//if your web service contains some parameters then set parameters after function name like //("HelloWorld","1","admin")
//Myservice.innerHTML= "Resultado : " + event.result.value;

// then on body onload write code
onload="InitializeService()" onresult="ShowResult()"

form id="form1" method="post"
// call javascript function on button click

button onclick="tst()" id="Button1">Call Add Web Method
//use htc file
div id="Myservice" style="behavior:url("

Friends Calling Web Services is a biggest problem with as , I found the logic behind it and I want to share.
First of all we should have a HTC file (U can download from
) which is nothing just a HTML file with the complete information of XML http and javascript( a common file for all)Then use the above JavaScript in call page and see the magic.

Best of Luck

disable the back button for All browsers

function noBack(){window.history.forward();}



